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November is a wonderful month to reflect on this past year! When you take the time to consider your year in retrospect, you can see how far you’ve come! We can often get lost in the bustle of Christmas and endless parties in December, so we can miss out on acknowledging our wonderful year. November can be a perfect month for reflecting on, being grateful for, and celebrating the wonderful things that happened in 2019.


FAVOURITE RELATIONSHIP SNAP SHOTS – What are the best relationship moments of this year that come alive in your heart and mind? What special times with friends and family did you experience in 2019?

NEW EXPERIENCES – What new experiences did you have this year? Did you learn a new skill? Eat some unique, exotic food? Go zip-lining or skydiving? Did you do something that stretched you outside of your comfort zone?

FORMER LOVES Has anything re-entered your life this year? Sometimes you can re-discover an activity that you once loved doing. Perhaps a hobby or interest has popped back into your life again. Maybe a previous opportunity has circled around again that you didn’t think ever would. Perhaps you have a close friend who has moved back to your city or you have re-connected with an alumni group through the magic of Facebook. Have you experienced anything from your past that has reappeared or been rekindled in your life this year?

FUN TRAVELS - Did you travel anywhere exciting in 2019? What were your top moments from each trip?

GOALS – What are the goals that you set out to accomplish for this year? How many of them did you achieve?

UNEXPECTED – What happened this year that came out of left field? What were some delightful surprises for the year that you never anticipated?

CHALLENGES – What obstacles did you overcome this past year? How did you deal with these challenges in a productive way? Is there anything you would do differently with such challenges the next time?

LOSSES – It is also important to acknowledge our losses. It could have been loss of an opportunity, the physical loss of a loved one or a pet, or even the loss of a relationship. What were some losses that you experienced in 2019?

GROWTH MOMENTS – When you look back at 2019, what areas of your life did you significantly grown in? Did you get a promotion? Make a killer presentation? Did you get out of your comfort zone in some way? How about a character trait? Did you grow in empathy, generosity, patience, or emotional intelligence? Celebrate any and all growth moments.

LESSONS – Usually this comes in the form of hard times. In our difficult seasons it is good to pick out the lessons and the “gifts” that they ultimately gave us. Each difficulty can help us to grow, learn, and transform into something better if we choose. What were the “gifts” that you received this year through your lessons?

BREAKTHROUGHS AND INSIGHTS – Were there any significant breakthroughs, shifts, or insights that you had this year? Usually these are our light bulb moments that can put us on a new trajectory of change in life. These types of insights and breakthroughs are when we really get something enough to make a lifelong change in thinking or behavior. Have you had any deep transformational breakthroughs?

LEGACY – How did you contribute to others this year? What difference did you make in someone else’s life? How have you fulfilled your purpose and given your life meaning through the way that you’ve served others this past year?

As you reminisce on 2019, it can help you decide on experiences you would like to replicate in 2020, or spark ideas for new ones you would like to create in the upcoming year.

Reflecting on, and evaluating this past year helps us to recognize and acknowledge our successes in life. How often do we stop and take a breather to appreciate the life we are living? It can also be a springboard for planning your next year. The more intentional we are to clearly envision the upcoming year, the more we will create and have the experiences we want in the future.

Stay tuned for the next blog about how to make 2020 your best year ever …


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